Here's how it works:
Step 1: Create an account and purchase a subscription
for the email address that you'll be sending updates from. Subscriptions are $5 USD/month and can be cancelled at any time.
Step 2: Send an email with whatever you want to appear on your website to
Please note:
- Your email should include a subject. This is how we know which part of your website to update. For example, if you wanted to update the "Upcoming Events" section of your website, the subject of your email should be "Upcoming Events".
- Your email may include attachments. Attachments are pictures and other documents that you can send along with your email. The following types of attachments are supported (filenames ending with): .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .tif, .bmp and .pdf.
- The total size of your email, including text, pictures and other attachments, must be under 5 Megabytes (we'll tell you if your email is too big and how to fix it).
Step 3: We'll send you a confirmation email within 1-2 minutes of receiving your email:
- You can preview your content (from your original email) by clicking on the preview link in the confirmation email.
- If you like the way everything looks, you can publish your content by clicking on the publish link in the confirmation email. After you click on the publish link, whatever you put in your original email will be displayed on your website.
- The first time you're trying to update your website, you'll need to add one line of HTML code to your website for the section(s) that you want to update. If you need help with this step, please email us at We'll be happy to work with you or your website developer to add the HTML code to your website for you. If you feel comfortable performing this step yourself, please note that we'll send you another email with instructions on how to do this after you publish your content.
- If you don't receive a confirmation email within 1-2 minutes, please check your junk/spam email folders.
Contact us
Need help? Questions, comments, concerns? Please feel free to contact us at